About Redemption

Have you been trying to get your business’s finances organized, up-to-date, and running efficiently? Do you find yourself coming up short in accomplishing this task? Are you overwhelmed with an ever-growing to-do list? Redemption Process Development & Bookkeeping, LLC can open up doors of opportunity for growth and efficiency in small businesses through implementing clear, simple processes for accurate and enhanced data flow. We can also meet all of your bookkeeping needs, including set-up and implementation, clean- up, day to day or month to month data and report processing, payroll, payroll reporting, and annual wage reporting.

Dawn Louviere founded Redemption with the sole purpose of helping small businesses.  She has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting with a concentration in Business Management, and she graduated Summa Cum Laude. She has also completed LEAN Manufacturing training and certification. Dawn has over 15 years experience in the cost and managerial accounting field, where she has been responsible for overseeing, managing the finances, and leading and training finance teams for more than fifteen companies at one time. She has exemplary multi-tasking skills while still catching the small details to ensure all funds are accounted for and no holes exist in processes.

Dawn Louviere

"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace."

– 1 Corinthians 14:33a